Expungement Law Passes

The Alabama Legislature passed an Alabama Expungement Bill this year and the bill was signed in to law on April 7, 2014. The law will become effective on July 7, 2014. For years, advocates of an expungement process in Alabama have been unsuccessful in their attempts to have meaningful legislation passed. Now, it is with great excitement that we can announce that Alabama has a new expungement law that provides for the erasure of criminal records for dismissed cases and cases where a defendant was found not guilty.

Contact The Self Law Firm now about having your
criminal record cleaned up. Call 205-647-1000.

The new law is complicated and we highly recommend the assistance of an experienced Alabama criminal lawyer. The Self Law Firm has followed this legislation closely and is knowledgeable of the new laws requirements. We are advising clients not to wait but to file their petitions now to avoid the potential delay that could be caused by the unprecedented demand. Have your record expunged and have those unfounded arrests removed from your criminal history. Call The Self Law Firm today, 205-802-8823. We are ready to help.

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